Want texts instead of recorded message calls?
Send the word ALERT by text message to the shortcode 22300 from the phone you have registered with our One Call service.
Never miss another message! Download the MyCall Now app for your phone.

Missed a call or the voicemail was Unclear?
Call 877-698-3261 from your phone registered with our One Call service to hear the latest message.
Blainesburg Bible Church uses One Call provided by OnSolve to distribute information using the telephone system. One Call will send text messages to those who have opted in to receive text messages from the system, or it will send a pre-recorded voice message. The system attempts to determine which lines are landlines versus cellular phones to allow opting in to receive text messages. A signup form is available at the church.
Please read the following points to understand how One Call works and our policies for utilizing the service at Blainesburg Bible Church:
- One call will restart or repeat recorded voice messages automatically if the system detects too much background noise. Mute your end of the conversation if this becomes a problem.
- One call only sends text messages to cell phones that have opted to receive text messages. To opt in, send the word ALERT by text message to the shortcode 22300. If your number has been registered on our One Call account, you will get a reply letting you know that you are opted in to receive text messages.
- If you miss a recorded message voice call or the voicemail did not properly save on your system, call 877-698-3261 from the number you registered with us to receive One Call messages.
- One call will be used for general announcements, service updates and/or cancellations, prayer requests, special announcements, departmental notifications and any other needs where the church needs to send information to the congregation in a timely manner.
- Members and regular attendees are eligible to receive One Call messages from Blainesburg Bible Church.
- OnSolve charges us per 25 listed contacts. The service is not free to the church. It costs several hundred dollars per year to maintain enrollment to utilize the service. Therefore, those who have not attended for approximately 4 services (except for vacation, illness, distance members/attendees and shut-ins) will be removed from the service. Reenrollment is available upon resuming regular attendance.
- Note that anyone who answers a One Call voice message received on your phone may choose to opt out of receiving further messages. It is the law. If your number is opted out by anyone who answers the call, you will no longer receive any One Call notices. If you think this has happened by mistake, contact the church for reinstatement.
- The Caller ID for One Call calls is the church office telephone number that ends with 3192. Put it in your contacts list to not miss a call.
- One Call is not able to reach any number that has a telemarketer block on the phone. A telemarketer block is a service provided by phone service carriers. Usually it involves needing to press a digit on a phone to continue. One Call cannot legally bypass blocks. Please do not register for One Call using a phone number that has such a block.
- There are two Prayer Teams Blainesburg Bible Church uses for prayer requests. One team accepts prayer requests from about 8 AM to 10:00 PM. The other is a 24-hour prayer team. You can choose to sign up for either if you would like to. You will not by default receive prayer requests via One Call. You must specifically ask to be part of the prayer team. We request that only those who will stop and pray for the emergent or urgent needs sign up.
- As of 7-19-2024, Blainesburg Bible Church will only send prayer requests that are EMERGENT or URGENT. If the prayer request is something that can wait for regular service times, a One Call will not be sent. An EMERGENT request example would be someone who would like prayer for a medical procedure or test happening the same or next day. An URGENT prayer request example would be someone who is injured or ill and on their way to the hospital or had a serious incident occur that needs immediate prayer intervention.