Blainesburg Bible Church is a qualified section 501 c (3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are tax-deductible under section 170 c (2). All tithes, offerings, or donations are considered to be given irrevocably to the church. All methods of giving* providing tithes, offerings, or donations to the church constitutes your agreement to relinquish control in accordance with IRS regulations, and all designated funds are considered suggestions.
*Examples Of Methods of Giving – Online, Text To Give, Kiosk, Cash, Check, Money Order, Electronic Transfer Through Bank Or Third Party, Credit Card, Debit Card, Real Assets, Personal Assets, Charitable Bequest, Etcetera.
All tithes, offerings, and donations are final. No refunds will be given.
Intangible Benefits Statement
No goods or services are provided in return for any tithe, offering, or donation other than intangible religious benefits.
Understanding Using Your Credit/Debit Card for Donations
Blainesburg Bible Church pays transactions fees for each credit card, debit card or ACH donation. This is includes a per transaction fee as well as a percentage of the donated amount. Donors may have the option, depending on the online giving method chosen, to pay those transactions fees. For example, if you donated $50 by credit card, the provider that processes the credit card transaction will also include the transaction fee and a percentage of the donation to cover fees. Those fees vary by method and can change at any time.
What does that mean?
First, the larger the donation, the more sense it makes to mail a check in order that no transaction fees be taken from your donation. Since a percentage of each electronic donation is deducted by the provider, the larger the donation the larger the amount goes to the provider of our online giving service.
Second, it means that even though we always use 100% of your tithes, offerings and donations for the work God is accomplishing through Blainesburg Bible Church, that 100% begins after transaction fees have been deducted. For example, if you gave $500 tot he church, you would expect the church to use every penny toward fulfilling the mission of the church. However, due to transaction fees, Blainesburg Bible Church would receive less depending on the method used for the donation.
The previous explanation was written in order for you to fully understand what online giving costs. The companies that make credit card donations possible certainly deserve to be paid for their services. Plus, these fees are not unique to non-profit organizations. With few exceptions, other companies pay fees every time you use a credit or debit card. It is built into the cost of doing business due to the convenience these payment methods offer consumers.
Churches that offer the convenience of allowing credit/debit cards to be used for donations often see an increase in giving that more than makes up for transaction fees. Whereas a for-profit business may have no need to offer this level of explanation for their processing/transaction fees associated with using credit/debit cards, Blainesburg Bible Church desires to always provide full disclosure to those faithful in their tithes, offerings and donations.
Minimum Credit/Debit Card Donation Amount
Blainesburg Bible Church sets a minimum donation amount due to per transaction fees for electronic donations.
Updated: 2/6/2025