Some New Light On the Subject!

As part of the second church cleanup/fix up day, we updated some exterior lighting and fixed a dusk to dawn light that got zapped by a nearby lighting strike. One of the LED lights at the pavilion quit working after lightning struck a nearby tree. It peeled the bark off of a large section of the tree and sent some branches flying. LED lights may be a little more sensitive, so we replaced the area light with a high-pressure sodium lamp. The other light on the pavilion still works.

The wall lights are dusk to dawn LEDs, and they illuminate the sidewalk quite well. No more walking to your car in the dark!
Those who attend Blainesburg Bible Church have a wide range of skills, and it is a wonderful thing for brothers and sisters in Christ to work together so well whether it be maintaining the church building or reaching the lost with the Good News that Jesus loves them and is offering them eternal life.
Colossians 3:23 (NIV) “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters . . .”