Men’s Ministry Volunteer Day

A senior brother in the Lord needed some help removing some hedges. Well, the hedges had grown to the size of trees with some trunks being about a foot in diameter! The main trunks twisted and turned and even grew along the ground. Brother Cecil Smith said it took 30 trips in his pickup truck to haul branches and drag the big main trunks of the hedges away. This was a huge job as can be seen in the bare spot on the lawn in the photo.
Seven volunteers using chainsaws, hand tools, ropes and chains cleared the overgrown hedge row in less than a day. The volunteers even managed to fix a broken sink stopper that day.
The men, of which the youngest is 54, worked together as a team. It was all about helping someone who did not have the resources to get a job done that needed to be done.
It is amazing what can be accomplished when people come together with a purpose. Not everyone owned a chainsaw, but there were four of them there to be used. One brother in the Lord used his own truck to drag out the huge branches that were once tiny hedges. There was a task needing done, and everyone present jumped in and did what was necessary to get the job done.
This type of spirit coming from church parishioners would bring joy to any pastor’s heart. It brings to mind Psalm 133:1 where it says, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Thank you to the Men’s Ministry for all that you do.